NYSTA Golf Tournament (not Virtual - yes, in person!)
Links at Hiawatha
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
10:30 am - Registration/Sign in opens
Box Lunch Provided
12:00 Noon - Shotgun start
5:30 pm - Awards Reception
Available Sponsorships can be purchased through the registration process and include:
Tournament Sponsor $1,500.00 (USD)
Closest to the Pin (2 avail) $250.00 (USD)
Long Drive (2 Avail) $250.00 (USD)
Straight Drive (2 Avail) $250.00 (USD)
Hole Sponsor (18 Avail) $100.00 (USD)
Beverage Cart (2 Available) $750.00 (USD)
Awards Reception (3 Available) $750.00 (USD)
Lunch (3 Available) $300.00 (USD)
Door Prize $500.00 (USD)